Any person who gets a rabbit will need a safe way to transport the bunny, even if it is only to pick him up and take him home. It is never safe or acceptable practice to allow any rabbit to roam around in a moving vehicle. This can cause injury to the rabbit, and to you or other passengers in the vehicle, or they could even hop into the wrong spot, causing you to lose focus while driving and have an accident. So be prepared before you pick the rabbit up. To do this, you will need to have a pet-safe carrier. Rabbits are prey animals and as such, they frighten easily. They can even die from fright. So it is very important to always be safety-minded.
Types of carriers
If possible, choose a carrier made specifically for rabbits. These are generally only available through rabbit cage dealers, but they are clearly the best choice. These carriers are made of solid, sturdy wire on all sides, with an opening that can be securely closed with a clip, and a solid metal or plastic liter pan that is detachable from the wire part of the carrier by spring clips. If there is not such a dealer near you, you can order them online and have them shipped directly to you. Additionally, if you are buying from a rabbit breeder, they prefer that you have such a carrier as this, when you pick up the rabbit.
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6 Hole transport carrier
The cat/dog type crates, aka “pet taxi’s”, work well, with the exception of having a slippery floor. The problem with is that your bunny will slide around while in transit, which could ultimately result in injury. Not all hope is lost though; if this is what you have or choose to use, simply placing a towel or a good amount of pine or paper-based shredded shavings in the bottom of the carrier will help prevent such slipping around and make it an acceptable form of transport.
Boxes used for transporting any animal is not the best choice, however, if you have no other choice available, go the extra mile to ensure the safety of the rabbit. In addition to options noted above, choose a box that fits the rabbit’s size, allowing for some space but not a lot, as the purpose of any carrier is a form of confinement. Make sure that the top of the box is securely closed so that the rabbit cannot escape, and be sure to poke plenty of holes in the box, to allow air circulation. And lastly, if you drive a truck, allow the rabbit in the cab of the truck with you. Do not place the rabbit, in any type of uncovered carrier in the back of a pick-up truck; doing so is not safe.