Fur around the neck that often gets wet, may cause skin in area to turn green and have an odor.
What causes Wet Dewlap?
Does with a habit of laying or dragging their dewlap into their water bowls.
What are the symptoms of Wet Dewlap?
Wet fur &/or green skin around dewlap, may have an odor.
What are the medicinal treatments for Wet Dewlap?
Clip any affected fur, apply antibiotic cream daily as needed; may administer broad spectrum sub-Q antibiotic if infection is present, at 1cc per 10lb body weight, 1x daily for 3-5 days.
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What are the homeopathic treatments for Wet Dewlap?
Clip any affected fur, apply antibiotic cream daily as needed; may administer broad spectrum sub-Q antibiotic if infection is present, at 1cc per 10lb body weight, 1x daily for 3-5 days … may add raw, unfiltered vinegar to drinking water – for natural antibiotic/antiseptic purposes.
How can Wet Dewlap be prevented?
Replace all water bowls with water bottles that do not leak, may add raw, unfiltered vinegar to drinking water – for natural antibiotic/antiseptic purposes.
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