Blockage of tear ducts.
What causes a weepy eye?
Due to bacterial infection or allergy … in severe cases, may be a symptom of Pasteurella.
What are the symptoms of a weepy eye?
Similar to pink-eye in humans … discharge of one or both eyes, wet fur around the eye(s).
What are the medicinal treatments for a weepy eye?
Quarantine and Sanitize… treat with Terramycin Opthmolic or other similar type antibiotic eye ointment, administered daily until gone.
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What are the homeopathic treatments for a weepy eye?
Quarantine and Sanitize… treat with Terramycin Opthmolic or other similar type antibiotic eye ointment, administered daily until gone …. Add raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in drinking water daily.
How could a weepy eye be prevented?
Good sanitation and Add raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in drinking water daily.
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