Rabbit becomes severely over-heated (rabbits have no internal way of regulation body temperature).
What causes a heat stroke?
*can quickly become fatal; exposure to excessive heat and/or lack of ventilation.
What are the symptoms of a heat stroke?
Difficulty breathing, head tilted up – gasping for air, muzzle area may be wet/damp (from drooling).
What are the medicinal treatments for a heat stroke?
Immediately cool rabbit down, wipe inner ears with cool, damp cloth, place rabbit in front of a cool-blowing fan; push electrolytes and possible sub-q hydration… for severe cases, dip rabbits body into cool water.
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What are the homeopathic treatments for a heat stroke?
Immediately cool rabbit down, wipe inner ears with cool, damp cloth, place rabbit in front of a cool-blowing fan; push electrolytes and possible sub-q hydration… for severe cases, dip rabbits body into cool water (make certain fur dries *completely after submersion).
How can heat stroke be prevented?
Keep rabbit out of direct sunlight, make sure there is lots of air-flow / ventilation around him, when temps reach 85*F or higher, place a frozen ceramic floor tile in his pen to lay on, and/or frozen bottle of water for him to lay next to.
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